Wow! Six for new year's eve! Extra court booked. Yuan will bring feathers?
Yes, I will!
Extra court booked!
Second extra court booked!
Extra court booked!
Hi, is someone going from the office tomorrow 10.12? It is my first time and it might be easier going together with someone else 😁looking forward!
Hi, Longying and Eero are probably coming from VM5 office. Otahalli is at Luolamiehentie close by and in the hallway there is a locker room marked with a women-symbol and badminton symbol. The courts are upstairs on the highest level (two flights up from the end of the hallway), you should be able to spot us there.
We (at least Lotta and myself) are indeed leaving from VM5 at 10:45, so Alva you can join us then? We can meet up at the coat racks
Super! Thanks Eero, see you 1045 😊👌
Extra court booked!
Second extra court booked! Historic event!
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